Challenge Aerial

Aerial Power Boost (all levels)
with Davey Swinton

January 26 (Thursday)
at 12:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Studio room
Aerial (large) studio

Aerial Power Boost (all level on silk/hammock)

Find genius ways to boost your power and your moves in the air! This class shows you how to address inversions of all types, see the physics in each movement to make use of strength you already have, find efficient pathways, build strength, or take smaller, more achievable steps to your next goal.

That means being in the air will be easier!!!

Aerial Power boost is for any type of student, with a small class size to help each person at their level. And for any apparatus because of the formulas of aerial and physics. This class is built on great progressions, training and conditioning practices, solid knowledge of the body, and proven aerial experience. Bring your goals to class and we will inspect, dissect, and connect all the pieces so you find your Aha! moments, and have you leaping off of that plateau. All bodies welcome.

-Inversions/ pullovers

-Better climb tech

-Knee roll/ Russian roll

-Beats and dynamics of all kinds

-Spins /flares

-Rolls/ keys/ roll ups

-Break down why a move is hard to do and make it easy/ accessible

-Looking like you have more power in your performance


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
